When I last posted on boosters in January, there were at least 14 countries offering fourth vaccine doses. Almost all were only…
Covid-19 The Evidence On 4th Doses of Covid Vaccines & the Thorny Question of Age Thresholds
Covid-19 The Race to Reduce Covid-19 Transmission: An Update on 67 Intranasal & 6 Oral Vaccines
It’s a glaring example of a pair of problems that have plagued Covid vaccines: parochialism and failures of information management when science…
Covid-19 Tracking the Covid Vaccine Race in the Wild First 2 Years – A Process Story
Note: This post is historical. In 2023, I modified my process – details here. By the time the pandemic was declared in…
Covid-19 Adapting for Variants: Early Results or Trials Underway for 38 Versions of 17 Covid Vaccines
Seventeen vaccines with at least one variant-adapted version sounds like a lot. But none are actually in use yet. And given all…
Covid-19 The Latest 5 Covid Vaccines to Pass the Phase 3 Results Milestone
By the middle of last year, 16 Covid vaccines had passed the critical milestone of announcing results from a phase 3 trial…
Covid-19 New Triumphs & Struggles for Non-Profit Covid Vaxes
We don’t know how many groups started out with the goal of creating a patent-free or non-profit Covid vaccine – or at…
Covid-19 Boosters and Mixed Schedules: Covid Vaccines at the 2-Year Mark
We’ve just passed the second anniversary of the release of the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence, which was the starting gun for the Covid…
Covid-19 A Worrying Drift Towards Exceptionalism In the Covid Vax For Kids Debate
I think we are drifting perilously close to exceptionalism in the debate about the Covid-19 vaccine for children and adolescents. The narrowed…
Covid-19 A Big Hit, A Big Miss, & Mixed Vaccine Schedules: The 18-Month Mark
Remember when we were told the earliest we could possibly hope for a vaccine was 12 to 18 months? Here we are…
Covid-19 New Vaccine Hopes, Adverse Reactions, & a Developer Clashing With Regulators: A Month of Highs & Lows
We’ve well and truly reached cherry-picking season on Covid vaccine data! It’s definitely easier to fall into the trap of claims based…
Bias The Pioneering Crossover Trials for Covid Vaccines and What We’ll Find Out
As results for the big phase 3 trials for the BNT-Pfizer and Moderna were looming, a debate ramped up: when would the…
Covid-19 Community Impact Data, 3 New Covid Vaccines, and Trials in Children: A Month of Dilemmas and Good News
It’s been another drama-filled, and data-packed, hectic few weeks in the Covid vaccines landscape. But the visual theme of this roundup post…