PubMed is incredibly reliable. And a lot depends on it. It’s an ecosystem built around MEDLINE, the steady feed of new publications…
Science Communication What if We Can’t Rely on PubMed?
Covid-19 Another Intranasal Covid Vaccine Trial & More Good News (Update 25)
This month, another intranasal vaccine has gone into clinical trial in Europe. It’s the 32nd mucosal vaccine to start clinical testing &ndash…
Science Communication When Journal, Scientific Society, and Community Values Clash
A process I’ve been involved with at a journal recently exploded. It was meant to resolve a controversy about a publication, not…
Covid-19 Self-amplifying mRNA Covid Vaccine: An Introduction
One of the critical ways a next generation Covid vaccine can improve on the original vaccines is to be more durable and…
Covid-19 Authorization Milestone for First NextGen Covid Vaccine in Europe and More News (Update 24)
The first next-generation Covid vaccine is on its way to authorization in the European Union. Recently rolled out in Japan, the self-amplifying…
Covid-19 Getting Ready for More mRNA Vaccine Fear-Mongering: A Compendium
Recently, I wrote about a depressingly successful campaign against the introduction of a next generation Covid vaccine in Japan. It is a…
Covid-19 A Bumper Month for Trial Results of NextGen Covid Vaccines (Update 23)
There is a lot to dig into in this monthly update! There are 7 new reports of data from clinical trials for next generation…
Covid-19 Strong Longterm Results – and a NextGen Anti-Vax Campaign (Covid Vax Update 22)
There’s a lot of big news in next generation Covid vaccine development this month, including clinical trial results for 2 vaccines. The…
Science Communication What’s Wrong With How We Talk About Preprints?
“When you see the term ‘preprint’ in a scientific news article, what do you interpret it to mean?” That’s the key question…
Covid-19 More Trial Results and More Pancoronavirus Vaccines (NextGen Covid Vax Update 21)
In this update there’s some news on the upcoming big trial in the US City of Hope/National Cancer Institute Covid vaccine for…
Bias A Meta-Analyst View of Polling Averages and Alternatives
Polls haven’t been great at reflecting how electoral college votes will stack up in the last 2 US Presidential elections. In 2016…
Covid-19 Mucosal Covid Vax Trials Kicking Into High Gear (Update 20)
Soon, tens of thousands volunteers will be needed for Covid vaccine trials in the US again. At least some of the “mini-efficacy&rdquo…