A detailed pre-specified protocol is supposed to be the superpower of a systematic review: its contents literally put the “systematic” into review…
Bias Let’s Be Serious About Bias in Protocols of Systematic Reviews
Bias A Cartoon Guide to Conflict of Interest Claims, Fair & Foul
Claims of conflicts of interest have been one of the – let’s call it interesting – parts of being in debates…
Bias The Renewed Debate About Blinding in Clinical Trials
Things can go really off the rails in clinical trials. Take the most influential trial of the Mediterranean diet…
Bias Open Badges Redux: A Few Years On, How’s the Evidence Looking?
A couple of years ago, I took shots at the way a small, uncontrolled study from 2016 of badges to encourage…
Bias Is Gender Bias the Elephant in the “Endangered Physician-Scientist” Room?
This, in 2008: Women make up an ever-increasing fraction of the students who train to become biomedical scientists, but their…
Bias Can Anything Really Stop the Science Spin Snowball?
With each set of hands study results pass through, there is a chance for another layer of spin to be…
Bias Should We Trust Meta-Analyses with Meta-Conflicts of Interest?
There are a couple of angles to look at researcher conflict of interest from. One is that a conflict could distort…
Bias A Classic Case of Science “He Said”, “She Said”: How Psychologists Trying to Prevent PTSD Got Controversial
Natural disasters have a lot in common with other major traumas, like life-threatening accidents and mass shootings – especially the emotional distress…
Bias “True Patient Advocates Must Be Students of Evidence-Based Medicine”: An Impatient Rebuttal
Here’s the thing. If you’re a doctor who is a fervent advocate for a professional school of thought, and you feel…
Bias Scientific Advocacy and Biases of the Ideological and Industry Kinds
I think the main thing I learned – very painfully – in 20 years as a health consumer advocate, is…
Bias Boilover: The Cochrane HPV Vaccine Fire Isn’t Really About the Evidence – but it’s Critical to Science
It was always a volatile situation. If it blew, it was going to be even harder to keep perspective through all…
Bias Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses: A 5-Step Checkup
It’s easy to be a little blinded by the specialized statistical techniques in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. As with any type…