Polls haven’t been great at reflecting how electoral college votes will stack up in the last 2 US Presidential elections. In 2016…
Bias A Meta-Analyst View of Polling Averages and Alternatives
Bias What a New Review Reveals About the Mask Effectiveness Debate
Last year I wrote that a day may come, when we have evidence about masks that’s so strong, so convincing, only the…
Bias Study Preregistration and Avoiding the Methods Fetish/Demonization Trap
This month, there was a thought-provoking 2-day workshop about preregistering studies, held at the Royal Society in London. The theme was “promises…
Bias Unpacking the Biggest Trial Yet of Naming Authors in Peer Review
This is a very important trial. I had been looking forward to its results since it started a few years ago. It’s…
Bias Where Is the Line Between Being Critical & Contrarian? Thoughts On a Plague
In a post late last year, I used the phrase “contrarian Covid takes”. On Twitter, Lars Henning asked, “what exactly does it…
Bias Peeling Back the Layers of “Medical Conservativism”
I don’t know when describing yourself as a “medical conservative” became a thing. I only noticed it recently, persistently popping up among…
Bias This “Waning Immunity” Argument Against the FDA’s Covid Vaccine Approval Is a Scientific Quagmire
I sure don’t envy the people under all that pressure at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They’ve been at the brunt…
Bias A Communication Research Unicorn! Decent Evidence You Can Change People’s Minds & Actions Via Social Media
The field of research on communication interventions is heavily littered with studies that are too small, too indirect, and too riddled with…
Bias Peering Through the Smoke at a Duel Over Covid’s Infection Fatality Rate
This is one of my older cartoons. Unfortunately, the problem it’s depicting hasn’t gone out of style. But now it strikes me…
Bias The Pioneering Crossover Trials for Covid Vaccines and What We’ll Find Out
As results for the big phase 3 trials for the BNT-Pfizer and Moderna were looming, a debate ramped up: when would the…
Bias Radical Vaccine Trial Transparency & Press Release Readouts: What’s the Problem?
Every time a drug company press release of vaccine trial results blasts through the media, it’s followed by criticism of “science by…
Bias Clinical Trials Are Vital for the Rest Of Us. Are They a Good Deal for the Participants?
“People on a trial tend to do better”. Ordinarily, when I see someone make that point, I agree. But last week, when…